Junior Aamna Raja - Advice Columnist
Hello there, lovely, lovely readers of North Star! I'm Aamna, and it's my pleasure to welcome you to our advice column. In this cozy corner of the paper, I'll be your trusted companion on the rollercoaster of school life, offering my insights, and perhaps a sprinkle of humor along the way. Whether you're wrestling with perplexing math problems, navigating the maze of teenage friendships, or struggling with college applications, I'm here for you. It's all about you, and about what you want to know or share. I've made it super simple for you to send in your dilemmas. Just head to the Microsoft Form below, fill in your query, and hit "submit". The best part? It's completely anonymous. Your secrets are safe with me, and I'll do my best to provide thoughtful, empathetic, and, of course, friendly advice.
Remember that you’re worth it, even if times start to get rough. Grades, popularity, clothes, and friends don’t define you. Be your own person, and never be afraid to stand up for yourself. Always strive to keep yourself and those around you positive. You got this, and I’m proud of you!
So, don't hesitate, ask away, and together, we can make the North Star shine even brighter!
A 1600 SAT score is amazing! But, it's the person behind that SAT score that truly makes "amazing" come to life. Your story is not meant to be an exact carbon copy of another individual's storybook. You don't have to be the most intelligent, or the most innovative, or even the wealthiest. You just have to be genuine and unapologetically yourself. It sounds cliché, but truthfully, it's an imperative factor in the writing portion of the college application process: your personal essay. The essay/short answer process is simply a time to address yourself, your interests, your successes and failures that you progressed from, your dreams and aspirations. So, talk about yourself. It may seem arduous, but it makes all the difference in the end.
- Danae Thomas
Class of 2021
College advice for 11th graders:
Make sure to be in contact with admissions counselors at schools you’re interested in. They are always kind, helpful, and willing to answer all your questions, whether you are wondering about the application process, sports, activities, academics, or anything else! Their contact information is always easily accessible on the college website’s admissions tab. Good luck!
- Sara Lombardi
Class of 2021
First of all, please do not overstress your daily lives. Just take it one day at a time and do not leave today’s work for tomorrow. If your deadline is tomorrow but you have other assignments to finish that day, don’t add another burden; finish it or start some of it.
Secondly, you are still young. Well, we all are, but you are never going to be 17 again, or maybe 16, so value your age. Have fun! I know I did, but don’t overdo it. Remember that a number does not necessarily define you as a person. School and youth are two separate, but equally, important parts of your lives. If one of them is affecting the other one, reconsider it.
Youth is the only thing that you can’t replace. By youth, I mean health as well. Please take good care of yourself and know that you matter as much as anyone. You may be a straight-A student or an average student, like me, but in either case, your grades have nothing to do with who you are and your personality. You are beyond your grades and test scores, and if the colleges cannot see the awesome person you are, let them be.
- Kubra Beskardes
Class of 2021