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Autumn School Event Recap

Giavanna Quagliata

Volume 5 Issue 2

November 25, 2024

Autumn School Event Recap

Image Provided by Elaine Ching

Since school has started, everybody has been getting used to their classes, taking tests, and doing homework. However, school is not just about work. Have you heard about North’s autumn events? Well, if not, then this article is for you! North has so many activities to participate in, or just to attend with friends.


Football games - Specifically, FNL, which stands for Friday Night Lights. This is the biggest football game at North, and the stands are filled with people. Every year there is a different theme; this year’s for example, was Whiteout. The cheerleaders worked hard to perform perfectly and support our team, while the Varsity Kickline team performed during half-time to a genre that everyone loves: Hip-Hop. If you did not make it to this year’s game, it is definitely recommended to go at least once before you graduate.


This next event is known as one of our biggest school events, the Pep Rally. If you haven’t heard of it already, Pep Rally is a big performance to show appreciation for all sports. For Pep Rally, students are taken out of their 8th and 9th period classes and go out to the football field to watch, and this year’s occurred on Friday October 18th. If you are not in any performances, students are seated on the bleachers. Every sport gets announced, and spectators cheer the players on the teams. The cheerleaders performed a special routine with amazing stunting skills, kickline did a surprise genre dance performance, and Step showed their skills with a performance as well (which included many of the World Language Department teachers and Mr. Loiseau, and it was awesome.) This year, Mrs. Goldman helped recruit teachers to join them during their routine.


If you feel like dressing fancy, this next event is for you: The Homecoming Dance. Every year, 10-12th graders are invited to attend. Your class saves up money to contribute to a DJ, food, and drinks. Plan to go with your best friends, or maybe even be asked by someone special. When you walk in, a table with teachers awaits you to give them your ticket, and if you would prefer, you can drop off your coat. After, you walk into the cafeteria and see it is decorated and filled with people. Parent volunteers help you grab some food, and you go dance with friends. This year’s theme was Disco. The next day everyone is invited to attend the football game. This year, the Spartans won their game.


These are only a few events at North. If you look deeper, you can find all diverse types of activities and events for something you might enjoy. If you are feeling spontaneous, join a club or get involved in an activity. It is better to join than to regret not joining at all.  




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