Entertainment & Media
Behind the Meme – Drake is the Type of Guy to__
By Augustine Magapan
Volume 2 Issue 3
January 14, 2022

Image provided by Reddit
“Drake is the type of guy to say, ‘You silly goose,’ when someone makes a joke,” says one of my friends. “Drake is the type of guy to get a lightbulb over his head when he has an idea,” says another friend.” “Drake is the type of guy to say, ‘mimimimi,’ when he sleeps,” a teacher says. Walking through the school halls, talking to my friends, and looking through my phone, I hear these phrases a lot of the time; a number of these jokes trend on social media apps such as Tiktok and Reddit. But how did this meme come to life in the first place? We dove into the meme and found what’s behind it.
The first part of this “Drake is the Type of Guy” meme originated from his new album. On September 3rd, 2021, Drake, a famous rapper, released a new album called, “Certified Lover Boy,” containing 21 songs. To promote and refer to the song, Drake shaves his hair into a heart which he captured and then posted on Instagram. Once the audience saw the picture, they started gossiping increasingly about the look and couldn’t believe what they saw. Many people described him as a soft person who is overly sensitive and emotional. A simple tweet on Twitter let out a joke of Drake on what type of person he is. The joke goes viral leading to more jokes about the rapper.
In short, the implications of this meme are impeccable; it highlights the evolution of meme humor. Over the years, meme culture has become less obvious, and increasingly subtle. For example, the earliest memes consisted of simple pictures, with rather obvious tones. Memes now are more illogical, which sometimes makes them more laughable.