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Goodbye Ms. Suarez!

By Elaine Ching

Volume 2 Issue 7

June 13, 2022

Goodbye Ms. Suarez!

Original photography by Mrs. Mansfield

From being the advisor to multiple clubs to teaching in the Special Ed department and co-teaching in many subject areas, Ms. Suarez is wrapping up her North High School career, which began in 1988, this year.

During recent years here at North, Ms. Suarez has served as the sole advisor to the Culture Society since the club was created just a few years ago. It is dedicated to exploring and teaching about different cultures. She has brought in speakers and special guests to share at club meetings. Due to her involvement and dedication, she helped multiple North students with the ability to experience new cultural foods and celebrations, along with registering the club with UNICEF to help those in need further as North pilots our first-ever chapter. As well as organizing multiple events over the years, this year’s International Night tickets were sold out, with students lining up after school to see if they could somehow still buy one and attend. That event is usually a big hit and includes food, dancing, and a fashion show contest. Ms. Suarez has proven herself to be a fantastic and hardworking advisor.

Furthermore, Ms. Suarez also serves as co-advisor to the National Junior Honor Society at North. She helped with the beautifying of the courtyard alongside many NJHS members, as well as helping provide many NJHS members with service opportunities that helped them keep up with their service hour commitments. Not only this, but she cared about the NJHS members outside of their service at North, as she offered many activities and support for them.

After speaking with a student who had Ms. Suarez as a teacher, they described her as a wonderful influence who pushed them to be their very best at math. In addition, the student said that they did try harder after being pushed. They said that this year was a difficult one for their academics due to the previous years with the coronavirus, so having a good teacher truly helped them. Also, they were saddened to hear that this would be Ms. Suarez’s last year as a teacher at North High School. This positive feedback demonstrates that Ms. Suarez is a wonderful advisor and a motivational teacher.

Some quotes from North students who were thankful for having Ms. Suarez as a teacher/advisor:

“She is motivated and enthusiastic when learning about other cultures, I’m really going to miss her”

“Ms. Suarez was a wonderful advisor; I don’t know what I’m going to do next year without her!”

“It’s a shame that she’s retiring, but I wish her all the best!”

Some quotes from her North co-teachers:

“After one of my colleagues inherited my co-teaching class with Ms. Suarez, I warned her: ‘She makes you work harder than you can ever imagine!’ She’s that dedicated to every aspect of her work and is always advocating for her students.”

“She is a ROCK STAR co-teacher and an inspiration. She never stops working or thinking about her students and their needs, both academic and social-emotional. I never would have survived quarantine or hybrid teaching without her. She keeps in constant contact with her kids and their families and teachers – never accepting anything less than their best. And she gets it from them, and they succeed and move on. Her students and co-teachers are so fortunate to have her working for them, and I don’t know what we are going to do around here without her!”

While the North community is saddened to see Ms. Suarez leave, we wish her all the best in her future adventures!




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