Ms. Byrne and Importance
By Jeselys Vazquez
Volume 2 Issue 5
March 28, 2022

Original photography by Eva Grace Martinez
Hello, loyal readers of North Star! For Women's History Month, we usually discuss women who've impacted history and changed women's lives for the better with the power of their voices and bravery. I want to share with you all the passion and impact Ms. Byrne has on her students and the people around her.
If you do not know her yet, she is the lovely and kind lady in 113 on the first floor near the computer lab or dean's office. Ms. Byrne has been my Resource Room teacher since September, and she has impacted and pushed me forward to reaching my goals and dreams, even though she has been through a lot this year. Yet, she still is there for us in even the good and bad times. She has kept her students up to date, keeping them on top of upcoming test/quizzes/exam/projects dates to make sure they get what they need to get done with enough time. Also, she informs her students about activities and clubs outside of school they can participate in, enjoy, and make friends as time goes on.
I always wanted to join a club and do something to help and have fun, but I had never been on top of it as much until Ms. Byrne suggested it to try it. If it wasn't for her, I would not be where I am right now. Now, I am a writer for North Star Magazine and a member of the Ecology Club. I enjoy participating and have fun helping our environment. That's only a little piece of her magic of what she has done for only one student; imagine what she has done for the rest. I've never met someone so caring, genuine, and strong as she is. I am so grateful to Ms. Byrne for what she has done and what she has to offer for both the rest of her students and me.