Team Respect: Life Not Only at North
By Leandra Mina and Jasmine Munoz
Volume 1 Issue 1
November 1, 2020

Original artwork by Leandra Mina and Jasmine Munoz
North is an amazing school, and we hope that every single one of us is having a great time so far. Many students, such as ourselves, are “Remote Only,” and in 7th grade. This can be quite challenging, as we don’t really know the environment of the school. However, even with that, it is a school that gives you high expectations.
For us, we have not been here long, so we do not know much. One thing we do know is that our teachers are working hard to make this as much of an enjoyable year as possible during these times. Teachers instill important values that you will need in life. They teach how to live up to your fullest potential. Our teachers have taught us so much already, and with that, we’ve worked hard to receive good grades. The values that are being taught are helpful as they are lessons to success that can be used throughout our lives.
We are remote learners. It is not so wonderful because we really do not get to interact, but that is beside the point. While we may not get to experience the physical environment of the school, we still are having a fun time learning virtually at North so far!
Respect. You know what the word means, but do you really? Respect does not just mean you must be nice or have good manners; you need to really know what it means to have respect. People who have respect are those who have courtesy rules regarding other people’s belongings, letting other people speak, being courteous when listening, and, most importantly, respecting others’ opinions. Being on Team Respect has taught us all of these values. Not just people on team respect, but everyone should show respect, as it is an important part of life.
A Big Piece of the Puzzle
They’re one of the biggest parts of our life: teachers. They help us so much and push us to our greatest limits. Teachers help us get good grades and do well in life. They should really be appreciated more. Some of the teachers on Team Respect are: • Mr. Gordon (Science) • Mrs. Melluso/Mrs. Balducci (English) • Ms. Gray (U.S History) • Mrs. Andriano/Mrs. Filippi
“The things that make me different are the things that make me.” (Winnie the Pooh) We all have sayings that mean something to us. So, we took several quotes that our teachers suggested to us to use in our life. These ideas are what our teachers go by and apply to their lives, too.
Mr. Gordon
“Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present.” In other words, don’t live in the past or worry about the future, just be grateful for all you have today.
Mrs. Melluso
“Always try and do your best, so you don’t wonder ‘What if?’”
Mrs. Balducci
Go after your dream, no matter how unattainable others think it is."
Ms. Gray
“Today I will not stress over things I cannot control.”
Mrs. Andriano
“Do the best you can. No one can ask for more than that.”
Mrs. Filippi
“It’s never too late to follow your dreams. Figure out what inspires you and follow through.”
These quotes may give you hope, so you should try to keep these in your mind and keep them there because you never know when you might need them!