The Foundation of My Tree
By Arielle St.Amand
Volume 1 Issue 7
April 22, 2021

Image provided by the National Tropical Botanical Garden
We were planted in the fertile soil adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean,
Southeast of the Gulf of Mexico.
Our roots extend through the fruitful land of Cap Haitien,
And in between the cracked crevices of the concrete jungle.
As our trunk emerges from the terrain of Port-Au-Prince.
We prevailed from the bondage of slavery,
without a wince.
In awe of the horizontal blue and red stating, “Unity is Strength,”
we overcome our obstacles, highlighting our bravery.
Our branches lengthen and grow with time,
from Doret, St. Cyr, to Dominique.
Names of great sublime;
we continue to expand our legacy,
so eloquent and unique.
We were planted in the fertile soil adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean,
and now produce flowers ready to reproduce.
Paired with Painson, Bernard, and St. Amand,
I begin to be woven,
excited for my journey and ready to be put to use.
I carry the pain of discrimination.
From the beautiful isles of Haiti and in this “United” nation.
I reminisce of the smells of liberation found in the soup joumou,
the vigor of my predecessors I relay from me to you.
I am thankful for my ancestry,
for providing me with insight of my great destiny.
My story begins with the seed planted in the depths of the roots,
the foundation of my tree.