The Great Political Divide
Breeana Bernabe
Volume 5 Issue 2
November 25, 2024

Image Provided by Unsplash
With the upcoming election approaching, tensions were rising between the two political parties, causing a great divide amongst the people in what is supposed to unite the population together under the country’s best interests. With each candidate, Harris and Trump, continuously trying to win over voters in swing states and close the poll gap, the odds were constantly changing, which resulted in an unpredictable election. Although this event brought much anticipation for the results, it also created uncertainty for the future of the United States.
The American political system is characterized by two main parties, Democrats and Republicans. Republicans are known for their more conservative policies, often appealing to the older generation. Policies include restricting illegal immigration and protecting the right to own firearms. Whereas Democrats are characterized as progressive thinkers who challenge past precedents, as seen in advocating for LGBTQ and abortion rights. These key differences have prompted heated debates, ranging from essential rights such as access to healthcare, and what is deemed acceptable in today’s society which include the freedom to express one’s identity.
Across numerous social media platforms, the discussion of politics has become a hot topic for members of the younger and older generations alike. However, these discussions usually fail to occur in a civil manner but rather aim to degrade the opposing party. Instead of encouraging healthy debates regarding the future wellbeing of the country, these social media platforms fuel attacking others of differing opinions, further worsening the political divide. This creates the mindset that it is acceptable to hate and ostracize others solely based on their political viewpoints. In a study on social media’s effects on democracy, it was found that “64% [of adults] say it has a bad impact…and more than four-in-ten say it has made people less civil in how they talk about politics” (Pew 2022). In order to bridge the divide, it is especially important for media outlets to equally represent both political parties. Nowadays, media outlets themselves have become biased and filtered, so that their news regarding politics has become unreliable. Furthermore, it was discovered that “a median of 84% across the 19 countries surveyed believe access to the internet and social media have made people easier to manipulate with false information and rumors” (Pew 2022). Thus, with a lack of reliable sources, misinformation becomes increasingly common with one goal; to attack and degrade the opposing party.
Additionally, it is important to consider that each person has their own needs which may not apply to the general population. Referring back to the general policies of each party, it is clear that the two main parties, Democrat and Republican, appeal to different populations; yet why is this often dismissed? The answer is that society continuously fails to engage in healthy discourse to expand upon their knowledge. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the people themselves to bridge the political divide. This can be achieved through keeping an open mind and considering various viewpoints even if they may not align with personal beliefs. Keeping an open mind does not mean conforming to others’ beliefs, its purpose is to give other people the opportunity to express their thoughts. Essentially, there is no correct candidate that satisfies the needs and beliefs of the entire population; therefore, to wholly dismiss an individual’s political belief only to justify one’s perspective is to claim that there is a ‘right option.’ To go against this concept is to deny the basis of democracy itself, which gives people the choice to elect their leader.
Especially with the two-party system, it is difficult to nominate a candidate who is free of faults. A person’s choice in the election does not necessarily mean they agree with everything being said by a particular political entity, but rather the general basis of their campaign. Furthermore, people tend to vote based on different criteria, whether it is a candidate’s character or what they promise to deliver. To determine a person’s worth solely based on who they choose to elect is not an accurate measure of their character. Overall, politics should not be a dividing factor among the people, but an opportunity to freely vote and express one’s beliefs. After all, the voice of people cannot profit from divide, although separated by choice, we are united by needs.
Wike, Richard. “Social Media Seen as Mostly Good for Democracy across Many Nations, but U.S. Is a Major Outlier.” Pew Research Center, Pew Research Center, 6 Dec. 2022, www.pewresearch.org/global/2022/12/06/social-media-seen-as-mostly-good-for-democracy-across-many-nations-but-u-s-is-a-major-outlier/.