The Shadow
By Huan Evo Alipio
Volume 2 Issue 3
January 14, 2022

Image provided by Bustle
A shadow creeps up behind
While the wind hits the chime
It may appear at any moment in time
Day or night it might come
But you’ll never know where it’s from
Don’t be stunned by its shape
As it will follow you with a big cape
Even though a shadow is quite simple
It should never be underestimated like a quick ripple
Because it goes wherever you are and is within your body
Or sometimes that shadow can be your own Rocky
A shadow can be a positive and a negative
A shadow can also be seen from many perspectives
It must be remembered that a shadow is not a willing element
The same reason why it's housed inside your body making him a resident
Even though a shadow cannot speak
That same shadow is undoubtedly unique